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Oregon's Trawl Industry
With roughly 100 fishing vessels in the Oregon trawl fleet, our fishermen participate in the groundfish trawl, Oregon pink shrimp, and Pacific whiting fisheries, delivering their catch to shore-based processors, located along the Oregon coast.
Oregon's trawl fishing and seafood industry produces large amounts of healthy sustainable wild-caught seafood products, including Pacific whiting, Oregon pink shrimp, rockfish, sablefish, Dover sole, Petrale sole, among others. Collectively, Oregon's trawl fishermen land a quarter of a billion pounds of sustainable catch across Oregon's seafood processors’ docks each year. Across all three fisheries, our fishermen generate around $60 million in an annual economic value on average to fishing families alone.
A robust fishing and processing infrastructure is essential for the Oregon's trawl fishing sector to thrive. As a high-volume industry, our fisheries support the year-round fishing infrastructure, including ice houses, gear shops, boat yards, etc. We also support the year-round processing capability in Oregon. This is essential for all other local fisheries.
Our fishermen sell their fresh catch directly to Oregon's shore-based seafood processors, located in the ports of Astoria, Newport, Coos Bay, and Brookings.
Our fleet is made up of locally-owned small independent businesses. Many trawl fishermen also come from multi-generational fishing families.
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