Oregon Pink Shrimp
Oregon Pink shrimp (Pandalus jordani) inhabit the deep, cold waters of the Pacific off the Oregon coast. Also known today as "salad" shrimp or "coldwater" shrimp, they were historically sometimes referred to as "Bay" shrimp.
Pink shrimp are typically found on soft mud seafloors along the West Coast in well-defined areas known as shrimp beds, with high densities particularly off the Oregon coast.
The Oregon shrimp fleet comprises independent family fishermen who are members of local coastal communities, many of whom come from multi-generational fishing families. Operating with a typical three-person crew, this fleet engages in fishing from April through October, utilizing gulf-style double-rig trawlers. The catch is delivered to processing plants in Astoria, Newport, Coos Bay, or Brookings.
Oregon features a diversity of sustainable fisheries with Oregon Pink shrimp being one of the great examples. It is a well-managed fishery regulated by the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW). It is managed based on the season, shrimp size, permits, and gear requirements.
With just a short life of 3 years, Pink shrimp grows fast. We fish only from April through October to allow shrimp enough time to maturate. We regulate the size of the shrimp to a minimum count per pound, limit the number of permits to prevent over-harvesting, and require bycatch reduction devices on trawl nets to avoid the incidental catch of non-target species.
The gear has been improved to feature LED lights at the bottom of the net opening to maximize escapement of eulachon smelt, juvenile rockfish and small flatfish. In addition, a rigid grate further back in the net in front of the cod end, where the shrimp are retained, allows larger fish to be released unharmed.
Our fishermen take great pride not only in bringing in the best coldwater shrimp but also in ensuring the long-term sustainability of our fishery and the health of our coastal waters.
We collaborate continuously with the ODFW to improve bycatch prevention measures and facilitate detailed monitoring of the fishery to better understand long-term stock trends and ocean conditions to ensure the fishery remains healthy and abundant for this and future generations.
Wild-caught Oregon Pink shrimp are smaller than the larger farm-raised warmwater shrimp commonly found in the marketplace. Due to their native cold, clear, and nutrient-rich waters, Oregon Pink shrimp boast a delicate texture and subtle sweetness that make them truly special. It is an excellent source of protein and is high in Omega-3 fatty acids. As a highly versatile seafood product, Oregon Pink shrimp is suitable for a variety of dishes like appetizers, salads, pasta, tacos, and more.
The Oregon Pink shrimp fishery has been certified against the rigorous seafood sustainability standard of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) since 2007. It was the first shrimp fishery in the world to ever achieve the MSC certification. The fishery remains in the MSC program today.